Legal portal & Corporate site


LawBite provide affordable legal advice to SMEs through their digital platform. In order to increase market share, they wanted to look at new ways to increase client retention and acquisition whilst adding valuable IP to their legal platform.


LawBite offers cost-effective legal services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by engaging qualified lawyers through their digital platform. This approach eliminates partner fees and other non-legal expenses, ensuring that clients only pay for legal advice. As the lead product designer, my responsibilities included designing new platform features, researching ways to enhance user experience, and contributing to marketing projects aimed at increasing client acquisition. I collaborated with the Chief Product Officer (CPO), senior management, development and marketing teams, as well as LawBite's data analyst. Feedback from in-house lawyers and clients was instrumental in refining platform features.

Skills & tools

Moderated Testing
Remote Testing
User Interviews
User Journeys
Process Flows

Client workshops
Design System
Visual Design
Interactive Design

Axure Pro


Ensure that the solution created addresses real problems, creating business value

Discover - Define - Develop - Deliver


Metrics like quote blockers and case conversions were tracked through Metabase and Hubspot, helping identify drop-out points and new opportunities in the enquiry journey. TypeForm collected input from both lawyers and clients for assessing portal performance, feature requirements, and subscription feedback. I used refiner to gather client and lawyer ratings and evaluate portal features.

Interviews were conducted to understand lawyer working habits, their relationship with LawBite and the portal, and to test visual concepts and prototypes. Existing clients and SME owners were also interviewed to grasp LawBite's enquiry process and subscription value proposition, while LawBite operations team members provided insights on streamlining enquiries.

Define - key challenges

1. Streamline existing processes

Statistically quote conversions were more likely to succeed if the quote was processed within the first few hours of the lawyer accepting the client enquiry. However, in order to process the quote within a smaller timeframe there were a number of inefficient processes and friction points that would need to be surmounted first.

2. Improve client sign up

After reviewing the enquiry sign up journey and talking with lawyers, it became apparent that new clients struggled categorising their enquiries and would often be assigned to a lawyer who didn't necessarily have the correct expertise to resolve their matter. Additionally, clients did not immediately understand subscription benefits and cost savings resulting in poor subscription sales. Both issues would need to be resolved in order to improve client acquisition.

3. Support lawyer case management

After interviewing lawyers it was clear that they would often use 3rd party tools and clunky workarounds when organising their case load and prioritising deadlines. In order to support lawyers more and improve client engagement, the portal needed to provide an effective means for lawyers to organise themselves as well as keep updated on any case changes.


1. Streamline existing processes

After mapping out the current enquiry to quote journey (see above) it was clear that we could eliminate a number of manual processes and automate others which would reduce admin churn and decrease the turnaround time. By creating new flows which showed how we could automate processes by using notifications we quickly realised that the current portal had no apparent way to identify whether a particular task had been completed or a case had a status change. To facilitate this lo-fi wires were scamped up in order to show how statuses and actions could be added to the portal. Based on this output new portal features were then identified and added to the product roadmap.

2. Improve client sign up

When streamlining the current enquiry to quote flows we wanted to understand whether adding a triage feature would negatively impact the initial enquiry journey. After running moderated comparative tests with new users I realised that instead SME owners weren't confident in the enquiry category selections that they were making, they also didn't fully understand what would happen after submitting the enquiry. As a result I re-worked the enquiry process to include an onboarding page outlining next steps. Category selection also included a 'not sure/other' option which would hand the user off to the OPS team to clarify their enquiry. All of which positively impacted the number of completed enquiries and correct lawyer assignments leading to higher quote conversions.

Subscriptions were also performing poorly and so as part of a wider project, plans were simplified and their prices modified. To support, this I ran surveys with clients in order to understand current plan perceptions. Additionally, concepts were tested with new and existing users to understand what their expectations were and what they understood. Feedback indicated that we needed to clarify that lawyer calls did not include legal advice, which was a particular flash point, and that users needed to understand roughly how much their enquiry would cost before committing to a plan. Whilst we could never predict the cost of a legal enquiry, we could provide typical ballpark costs and timeframes for common enquiries. By creating a cost slider the user could see how much their enquiry might cost and how much they could save with a plan versus paying a typical high street law firm.

3. Support lawyer case management

After talking with lawyers it was clear that their daily work routines were varied at best. Predominantly their focus was on the client and providing legal advice but they also had to field enquiries, create quotes whilst manage other organisations outside of LawBite at the same time. In short, lawyers needed to know quickly what had changed on their cases and what they needed to complete that day so that they're successfully managing their workload and meeting client expectations. As it stood they already had a number of ways of organising themselves outside the platform, from using Excel and iOS Reminders through to jotting notes each morning.

In exploring how the portal could provide a better lawyer experience, I prototyped a dashboard which provided latest case updates, upcoming tasks (both system and lawyer generated) as well as a list of client calls for any given day. A number of lawyers also indicated that striking off completed tasks was highly satisfying, so task items on the dashboard could also be marked as complete and removed from view. The lawyer experience was further enhanced by providing a billing area, which was indicated by lawyers as a highly beneficial feature, which would allow the lawyer to view invoice amounts, see cases converted and enquiries received over time.

Design System

As the portal became more feature rich it was important that designs could be created both quickly and consistently. Significantly, a large number of existing portal pages were only designed for desktop and had not taken smaller mobile interfaces into account. LawBite's development team would also need a consistent way to build out UI libraries and populate page templates, so it was vital that we had a design system that governed everything, from simple colour palettes to complex, responsive components and tabled data.

Rebrand marketing site & communication

Modify LawBite's current visual identity, creating a coherent experience between the marketing and portal experiences , capturing the LawBite brand


Whether features were being deployed to the portal or marketing site, wherever possible measurable goals were set against those features in order to understand the impact they actually had. Sales funnels were created in Metabase for the marketing site and Refiner was used on the portal to collect feedback from both lawyers and clients against newly released features.


LawBite's portal and marketing site continually evolve with new updates and features. However, releases and tech are now primarily focused on resolving real user pain points and facilitating conversion. This not only demonstrates that the business has become more user centric in its approach but also proves that it is starting to create real value for its many stakeholders.

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If you have an upcoming project and need help, I'd love to be involved! Just get in touch and let's get started.

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